آفر ها و پروازهای ارزان هواپیمایی سفریلینک اویتین
نمایش موارد بیشتر
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درباره سفریلینک اویتین
Established in 2004, Safarilink is a Kenyan airline based at Nairobi Wilson Airport. The carrier operates scheduled domestic services to safari destinations within Kenya and in northern Tanzania. Safarilink also provides private charter services.
ادامه مطلب
Safarilink Aviation ‚ Phoenix House ‚ Wilson Airport P.O Box 5616 - 00506 ‚ Nairobi ‚ Kenya Mobile :+254 730 888 000 Contact Centre: +254 20 6690 000 Operations: +254 20 6690 100 Admin +254 20 6690 500 Email : res@flysafarilink.com Flying packages - email:ecommerce@flysafarilink.com